Saturday 17 January 2015

Secret of Gun in a Farm Land

This is a real story that happened in a small village in India which I am sharing now. An old farmer lived in a village where here were no technical advancements and he was also poor. He was hardworking and had a son who was brilliant.
The son helped his father in his farming and did all the labours manually to yield a good harvest of potatoes every year. But unfortunately one day the son had to kill a real bad person in the village and he was arrested by the police.
So when the time of ploughing the farm land for planting fresh potatoes arrived, the father had no source of doing that as earlier all of the ploughing was done by his son in past manually. In distress he wrote a letter to his son who was in prison stating the difficulty he was facing in ploughing and also stated that he cannot carry out farming that year.
He received a reply from his son from the prison where his son was locked up. In the letter, he informed his father that he also felt bad for the situation and also advised his father not to plough the field under any circumstances as he had kept a gun buried secretly in the field.
The father was confused as he knew that his son was not of that type and was pondering what would be the truth behind the contents of the letter.
The very next day, police force entered the village with sufficient manpower and they started digging their farm. Every inch of the farm land was dug and searched for the gun and at last they left bare handed as they could not find the gun.
After a couple of days, the farmer received a letter from his son. The son asked his father in the letter to go ahead with the sowing process as ploughing job is fully completed and he also stated in his letter that being in prison, this is what he could do to help his father for bringing the manpower for ploughing the land.
Whatever be the circumstance or difficulty you are in, if you have the brains and the unwavering thinking capability then you can find a solution to any problem and execute it successfully.

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